Kinneret Rising Fast to Maximum, First Time in 30 Years

A bochur braves the heavy rain in Yerushalayim on Thursday. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

This winter’s gishmei brocho is being felt in the Kinneret, where the water is rapidly approaching its maximum level for the first time in 30 years.

The lake still has a distance to go to reach that mark, though. It has risen 21 centimeters since the start of February and as of Thursday was 1.27 meters from its capacity of 208.80 meters below sea level, according to the Kinneret Authority.

Experts say that significantly more rainfall will be needed before the Kenneret is full and the Israel Water Authority will have to open the Deganya dam at the southern end of the lake to prevent flooding. The dam, which allows water to flow down the southern section of the River Jordan to the Dead Sea, has not been opened since 1992.

Meanwhile, it rained off and on during Thursday, and scattered showers are expected overnight.

Clearing and warmer temperatures were forecast for Friday and Shabbos.

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