Greek Defense Minister Discusses Regional Threats With Gantz

Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Greek Defense Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos at a welcoming ceremony in Tel Aviv, Thursday. (Defense Ministry)

Greece’s defense minister traveled to Israel on Thursday to meet with his counterpart, Benny Gantz, where the two discussed mutual defense cooperation.

“We aim to build a stable, secure and prosperous environment in the wider region of the eastern Med,” Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos said.

“Our common goal is to expand and deepen the defense cooperation between Greece and Israel, which has reached in recent years a level of unprecedented development,” the minister said.

A belief in nations’ sovereignty, the importance of international law, and the principle of good neighborly relations bound the two states, he said.

For his part, Defense Minister Gantz said that the shared interests of energy, innovation and security fused Israel and Greece’s alliance.

“Our cooperation in the areas of industry, force build up and R&D contribute to the safety of both our countries,” he said.

Gantz also made a note of caution with regard to the security of the Mediterranean region.

“I also see a threat that seeks to destroy the bridges that are being built. A negative force that feeds on chaos… [as] Iran continues its nuclear program.”

The Islamic Republic continues to negotiate with Western powers over curbs to its nuclear program, even as Iranian proxies continue their “aggressive attacks,” Gantz said, pointing to the recent Houthi-claimed attack on the United Arab Emirates.

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