NYC Health Department to Spray for Mosquitoes in Queens and Brooklyn


In order to reduce mosquitoes and the risk of West Nile virus, the Health Department will conduct a spraying of pesticides in Queens and Brooklyn on Tuesday, August 10, with additional sections of Queens on Thursday, August 12, between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 6 a.m. In case of bad weather or equipment malfunctions, it will be rescheduled for Wednesday, August 11 and Monday, August 16.

The spray will use very low concentrations of Anvil®, Duet®, or DeltaGard®. These concentrations of pesticides are of low risk to people and pets. People who are sensitive to these ingredients may experience short-term eye or throat irritation, or a rash. People with respiratory conditions may also be affected.

Residents of these areas are advised to stay indoors. Air conditioners can remain on, and may close air conditioner vents, or choose the recirculate function if they prefer. Skin and clothing exposed to pesticides, as well as fruits and vegetables, should be washed with soap and water.

Eliminating any standing water is the most effective way to control mosquitoes, and New Yorkers are encouraged to mosquito-proof their homes and take precautions when spending time outdoors.

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