Hospitals Brace for New Coronavirus Wave; Nearly 300 New Cases

Medical team at the coronavirus unit, in Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv in 2020. (Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Hospitals around the country on Wednesday expressed their worry over the surge of coronavirus, saying they’re bracing for a potential fourth wave of COVID-19 in Israel.

“The medical teams are exhausted, they’ve not yet recovered from the previous waves and will not be able to stand another one,” a health official told Yediot on Wednesday as he urged people to get vaccinated.

Despite the Health Ministry’s concerns, so far there has not been a rise in hospitalizations and serious cases.

Some 293 new cases of the novel coronavirus were reported in Israel on Tuesday, with 0.5% of tests returning positive, according to a Wednesday morning update by the Health Ministry.

Of those infected, 24 were in serious condition and 16 were on ventilators.

Israel’s death toll stood at 6,429.

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