Israel-Gaza Ceasefire Comes Into Effect; No Rockets Since 2 a.m.

Rescue personnel and Israeli Home Front command at the scene of where a rocket fired from Gaza by terrorists hit a house in Ashkelon,  Thursday. (Edi Israel/Flash90)

An Egyptian-mediated ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terror group took hold on Friday after the worst violence in years.

In the countdown to the 2 a.m. ceasefire, Palestinian rocket salvos continued and Israel carried out at least one air strike.

Each side said it stood ready to retaliate for any truce violations by the other. Egypt said it would send two delegations to monitor the ceasefire.

Israel’s Security Cabinet earlier voted unanimously to approve the truce after a three-hour debate.

In an official statement, the Cabinet said the ceasefire was proposed by Egypt and would be “mutual and unconditional.”

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s office said Thursday night that the Cabinet had unanimously approved the truce without preconditions on the recommendation of all defense officials, including IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, Shin Bet head Nadav Argaman, Mossad Director Yossi Cohen and National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat.

The statement said that Israel’s achievements in Operation Guardian of the Walls were “unprecedented.”

“The political leadership emphasized that the reality on the ground will be that which determines the future of the campaign,” the statement said.


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