Suspected Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Kills Queens Man, Sickens Family Members


A father died and three other family members were rushed to the hospital, critically ill with suspected carbon monoxide poisoning in Queens on Thursday morning.

Police were called at 6:30 a.m. with reports of an erratically behaving man. When they arrived to the Queens Village between 221st and 222nd streets, the family’s “emotionally disturbed” son was found and told the police he was the reason his father died.

The son was taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation, Pix 11 reported.

Three other people, a 70-year-old woman, a 31-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman, were rushed to the hospital. They were found unconscious, with weak pulses but no external injuries, leading police to suspect they may be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning.

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