Ford Manufactures, Ships Over 1 Million Plastic Face Shields

ford plastic face shields
(AP Photo/Rick Bowmer/File)

Ford Motor Co. says it has manufactured and shipped over 1 million clear plastic face shields to hospitals and first responders all over the U.S.

The company hit the mark on Saturday and sent the 1 millionth protective shield to New York City as part of a shipment of more than 30,000 shields, spokeswoman Elizabeth Kraft said.

Ford began designing the shields on March 19 after getting a request from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. It started building masks at a factory in Plymouth, Michigan, near Detroit, on March 23.

About 260 employees represented by the United Auto Workers union are now producing at a rate of 225,000 shields per day on two shifts. All the employees have volunteered for the work. They could be getting most of their pay while staying at home.

Ford, General Motors, Fiat Chrysler, Toyota, Volkswagen and other automakers and parts suppliers have mobilized to build face masks and respirators to help protect people from the novel coronavirus. Ford and GM plan to build ventilators.

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