Fire Burns Lucerne Yeshiva Building Near London


lucerne yeshiva

A massive fire caused significant damage to the Lucerne Yeshiva in Canvey Island near London, Sunday night. The blaze burned with extreme intensity, and firefighters from seven fire stations worked for an hour to bring the it under control. The commander reported that they are checking the scene for any residual hot spots.

In addition, they are working with the Jewish Community to salvage the contents of the building, and they will check on the  sifrei Torah and other items to evaluate the damage. Baruch Hashem, no injuries were reported, and the dormitory facilities were not damaged in the fire.

The bachurim were at a mesiba at the home of their Rosh Hayeshivah, Harav Moshe Koppelman, shlita, at the time of the fire.

The yeshiva’s approximately 100 bachurim may head to London at least for Sunday night.

lucerne yeshiva

lucerne yeshiva

lucerne yeshiva

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