Yitzchak “Sam” Farkas, Z”l, 16, Niftar in Miami Beach

miami beach farkas
Yitzchak “Sam” Farkas, Z”l.

A tragedy occurred in Miami Beach Tuesday, as a yeshiva bachur fell to his death from a balcony.

Yitzchak (Samuel Isaac) Farkas, a student at Hebrew Academy of Miami Beach, came home to his eighth-floor condo at 5333 Collins Ave. Tuesday evening, to find that his family was away and he was locked out. He went up to a neighbor on the ninth floor, and tried climbing down from the neighbor’s balcony to his own, but he fell and died.

Sam would have turned 16 on Wednesday.

Chesed Shel Emes worked through the night with Miami Beach Police and the Medical Examiner’s office to ensure kavod hamess.

The aron will be flown Wednesday from Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport to JFK Airport in New York, and then to Eretz Yisrael. Kevurah will be on Har Hazeisim.

Sam is survived by his parents and two brothers.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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