General Assembly Resolution Condemning Hamas in Works

Panoramic view of the United Nations General Assembly.

The United States and Israel are seeking European support for an unprecedented General Assembly resolution condemning Hamas rocket fire on Israel, AFP reported on Tuesday.

Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon told reporters that American diplomats were spearheading the effort, holding talks with their E.U. counterparts on the draft text.

“The U.S. is negotiating the language with the EU,” Danon said. “For us it’s very symbolic to have this resolution presented with the support of the EU.”

If adopted, it would be the first time that the international body has voted to condemn Hamas.

However, the outcome is far from certain. European diplomats report disagreements on the proposed U.S. text, notably including references to U.N. resolutions and to the two-state solution, which has official U.N. support.

A draft text seen by AFP “condemns Hamas for repeatedly firing rockets into Israel and for inciting violence” and “demands that Hamas and other militant actors cease all provocative actions and violent activity.”

Also on Tuesday, Danon said that Israel has been discussing the unveiling of the Trump administration peace plan, which he said has been “completed.”

“As far as we know, they speak with us about beginning of 2019, which is coming soon,” Danon said. “We don’t know the details of the plan but we know that it’s completed.” He does not know what the plan says, if anything, about the two-state solution.

The ambassador said early next year was considered the most favorable timing because it will be well ahead of presumed early elections in Israel, not expected before March.

This would allow Trump to “present it without interfering in our political debate in Israel,” Danon said.


Panoramic view of the United Nations General Assembly.

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