Gaza Rioters Throw More Than 1,000 Firebombs at Israeli Soldiers

palestinians gaza
Palestinian rioters burn tires during a protest on the Gaza-Israel border. (Abed Rahim Khatib/ Flash90)

Israeli forces struck two terror sites in Gaza Friday night after one of the biggest riots in many weeks took place earlier in the day at the Gaza border fence. Some 20,000 Arabs threw rocks and firebombs at IDF soldiers, who were positioned to hold the mob back from attempting to breach the fence. Over 100 explosive devices were thrown at soldiers during the course of the rioting. There were no injuries among Israeli forces. Gaza sources said that 7 rioters were killed and 500 injured.

In a statement, the IDF said that “Hamas is responsible for the rioting and its violent results. The IDF is determined to continue to defend Israelis against those who seek to harm our security. The IDF is prepared to act to prevent similar attempts to carry out such attacks in the future. Such attempts will be answered with a serious response.”

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that Israel was prepared “for any scenario” at the Gaza border. “This is not an empty statement,” he added, declining to specify what steps he would take if the violence continued.

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