Arabs Continue Riots Along Border Fence

Palestinian rioters during clashes with Israeli security forces on the Gaza-Israeli border east of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Friday. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Once again, thousands of Arabs rioted along the Gaza border on Friday. Arabs also dispatched terror kites and balloons at Israeli forests and farms in the Gaza border area. This, despite the ongoing brokered talks between Israel and Hamas for a long-term ceasefire.

Rioters threw firebombs and bricks at Israeli forces. B’chasdei Shamayim, no injuries were reported. Soldiers responded with anti-riot measures. IDF soldiers later fired at several terrorists who were trying to sneak through the border fence into Israel. The terrorists turned back and scattered when they were fired on. The IDF said in a statement that it “remains prepared for any developments and scenarios.”


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