Report: Iran Shot First, Told Assad Later

Iran Israel
Danny Danon, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Iran launched missiles against Israel on Wednesday night without consulting or notifying its host country Syria, according to a local media report.

The Channel 2 report suggests some disquiet in the Assad regime over Iran’s unilateral action on Syrian territory, which triggered Israeli air force strikes against Iranian positions in Syria. Aside from the Iranian losses, 5 Syrians were reported killed.

It said that Russia was also displeased with Iran and, as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told reporters after meeting on Wednesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, it will not interfere with IDF operations in that country.

In a related development on Thursday night, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon demanded that the Security Council condemn the Iranian attack, and he called for the removal of Iran forces from Syria.

In a letter to the Security Council and Secretary-General he wrote:

“Israel holds the government of Iran, together with the Syrian regime, directly responsible for this attack and we will continue to defend our citizens vigorously against all acts of aggression.

I call on the Security Council to immediately condemn this attack and demand that Iran remove its military presence from Syria that not only threatens Israel, but the stability of our entire region. The international community must not stand idly by while a tyrannical regime attacks a sovereign nation and continues to threaten the very existence of a member-state of the United Nations,” Ambassador Danon concluded.

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