Government Razes Homes Of Har Nof Terrorists

Israeli forces destroyed the homes of two terrorists and sealed off part of a third in Yerushalayim on Tuesday, in a crackdown launched by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu after four Israelis were killed in terror attacks over Sukkos.

The IDF said in a statement it had demolished the family home of a terrorist who in November 2014 killed four Jews davening Shacharis at Har Nof’s Kehillas Bnei Torah and a police officer before he and another attacker were shot dead at the scene by police.

A second destroyed house belonged to a Palestinian killed by police in August 2014 after a construction vehicle he was driving fatally struck a pedestrian in Yerushalayim. Police said he deliberately ran over the man, and footage showed him using the mechanical arm to tear into and overturn an Israeli commuter bus.

Part of the house of a third Palestinian, killed in October 2014 after what police said was an attempt to assassinate a Jewish activist, was sealed off, the military said.

Israel has said such demolitions are punitive and can also serve as a deterrent to other potential attackers.

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