WTC Observatory Opens to the Public May 29

The Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration team pass One World Trade Center in 2013. (AP Photo/The Jersey Journal, Reena Rose Sibayan)
The Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration team pass One World Trade Center in 2013. (AP Photo/The Jersey Journal, Reena Rose Sibayan)

The observatory at the top of One World Trade Center, the tallest building in the U.S., will be open to the public at the end of next month.

Tickets went on sale starting April 8, and the observatory will officially open May 29.

The observatory takes up levels 100, 101, and 102 of the center. The main public viewing space is on the 100th floor, with restaurants on the 101st floor and an event space on the 102nd floor. Visitors will get a view of the city and its surroundings from above 1,250 feet.

Tickets will be $32 for adults and $26 for children, ages 6 to 12. Admission will be free for family members of those who died on Sept. 11, as well as those who worked in the rescue and recovery.

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