Child Who Nearly Drowned Taken Off Sedatives


The nine-year-old boy who nearly drowned in a Monticello bungalow colony is doing fine and is in the process of waking up, a family member confirmed Thursday.

Doctors in the Westchester Medical Center trauma center took an MRI of Motty Yakobovich on Thursday and will evaluate the results over the next day or two. But they said it is unlikely the boy suffered any severe brain damage.

“They took him off this morning,” Yoeli Yakobovich, Motty’s uncle, said. “They took him off the respirator, they took him out of sedation — he’s moving, he’s looking around, he’s still waking up.”

Motty has been in a medically induced coma since he was pulled out of a pool at the Satmar Ichud bungalow colony Friday. He went into cardiac arrest, and units from the Catskills Hatzolah worked for a while to get back a pulse.

Motty’s parents ask readers to daven for Mordechai ben Silka Sarah.

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