After Failed Hi-Tech Trial, Lever Voting is Back


City officials have conceded that the high-tech experiment with voting machines has so far failed and are willing to go back to the old lever machines, according to news reports.

NY1 said quoted a source in the embattled New York City Board of Elections that the New York State legislature has arrived at a deal that will allow the old machines to be used for the September 10 primary.

The new optical scanners, purchased with federal funds in the aftermath of the 2000 elections in which results in Florida did not come in until five weeks later, were acknowledged as too slow to allow for a likely runoff in the crowded Democratic mayoral primary.

It is unclear if the city will bring back the lever machines for the Nov. 5 general election or the new scanners will be ready for then.

The city spent more than $95 million on the new machines and they were first used in the 2010 off-year elections.

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