This Day In History 6 Shevat/January 22

Third voyage

6 Shevat


5512/1752, Harav Yosef of Bresloi, zt”l, mechaber of Shoresh Yosef

5639/1879, Harav Yom Tov Lipman, zt”l, the Oneg Yom Tov

5686/1926, Harav Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum, the Atzei Chaim of Sighet, zy”a

5691/1931, Harav Shalom Halberstam, zy’a, Rebbe of Pikla- Sanz

5739/1979, Harav Dovid Yitzchak Eizik Rabinowitz, Rebbe of Skolya, zy”a


Harav Yitzchak, Rav of Kalisch, Zy”a

Harav Yitzchak of Kalisch was a son of Harav Aharon of Premishlan, zy”a, who was the son of Harav Meir Hagadol of Premishlan, zy”a, one of the talmidim of the Baal Shem Tov.

Rav Yitzchak married the daughter of Harav Isamar of Tchizkov, a close friend of Harav Levi Yitzchak, the Berdichever Rav, zy”a.

Many tzaddikim attested to the great kedushah and taharah of Rav Yitzchak Kalischer. Several said that his neshamah came from the same shoresh as the neshamah of the Alshich Hakadosh, who in fact learned Torah with Rav Yitzchak from the olam ha’emes during Rav Yitzchak’s later years.

Rav Yitzchak would sit in the beis medrash all day, wrapped in his tallis and crowned with tefillin, learning and davening with fervor. He was also known as a big baal chessed and machnis orchim.

He was a devoted talmid and chassid of his father, as well as of Harav Moshe Leib of Sassov, zy”a, who was very fond of this talmid, and shared with him deep sodos haTorah.

Rav Yitzchak became Rav in Kalisch after his uncle Harav Dovid of Kalisch, zt”l, was niftar. He served both as Rav and as a Rebbe for Chassidim.

In his later years he became gravely ill. While all his household and Chassidim were concerned and in pain over his fate, he himself was calm as he prepared himself for his journey to the olam ha’emes.

Rav Yitzchak was niftar on 6 Shevat 5600/1840.

Zechuso Yagen Aleinu.

Jan. 22

In 1498, during his third voyage to the western hemisphere, Christopher Columbus arrived at the present-day Caribbean island of St. Vincent.

In 1903, the Hay-Herrán Treaty was signed by United States Secretary of State John M. Hay and Colombian Chargé Dr. Tomás Herrán. The treaty granted the United States rights to the land proposed for the Panama Canal.

In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson, in an address to Congress, pleaded for an end to the war in Europe, calling for “peace without victory.” (By April, however, America also was at war.)

In 1930, in New York, excavation began for the Empire State Building.

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