IDF Uncovers Extensive Multi-Level Tunnel Network Along Gaza-Egypt Border

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli soldiers enter a Hamas tunnel underneath a cemetery during the ground offensive on the Gaza Strip in Khan Yunis, Jan. 27. (AP Photo/Sam McNeil)

The IDF uncovered an extensive network of multi-level tunnels along the Gaza-Egypt border recently, highlighting Hamas’s advanced underground infrastructure, Yisrael Hayom reported Sunday. This discovery, featuring tunnels with up to three levels, has taken Israeli security forces by surprise.

The report details a recent IDF operation that exposed dozens of tunnels crossing from Gaza into Egypt. Some of these tunnels, which have up to three underground levels, have astonished Israeli military and security establishments. Referred to as “Hamas’ oxygen pipeline,” these tunnels have significantly bolstered the group’s capabilities since the IDF’s withdrawal from the area.

This complicated system was developed by the terrorists in secret, eluding both Israeli surveillance and Egyptian border control efforts. This network has been pivotal in Hamas’s evolution into a formidable fighting force.

The IDF is expanding its search perimeter around the corridor, operating under the assumption that more tunnels remain hidden. An Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed to Israel Hayom the discovery of these three-level tunnels extending from Gaza into Egyptian territory. The army’s efforts to locate additional passages are ongoing.

Approximately three weeks ago, The Washington Post reported that Israel had identified 20 tunnels crossing into Egypt along the Philadelphi Corridor (the border with Egypt), with the IDF having destroyed 14 of them. The report suggested that an estimated 20 more tunnels may still be undiscovered between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

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