West Nile Virus-Infected Mosquitoes Captured Across Israel

By Aryeh Stern

(AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)

The Health Ministry reported capturing mosquitoes infected with the West Nile virus in various locations across the country, including central regions and around Eilat.

This monitoring operation was conducted by the Environmental Protection Ministry, with subsequent confirmation of the mosquitoes’ infection in laboratories operated by the Health Ministry.

Following this discovery, the Environmental Protection Ministry has instructed relevant authorities in affected areas, as identified by the Health Ministry regarding cases of West Nile fever in humans, to expand their monitoring and mosquito extermination efforts.

During the summer months, stagnant water sources, even in small volumes, coupled with hot and humid weather conditions, create ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. While local authorities bear responsibility for reducing mosquito hazards in public spaces, individuals are urged to contribute by eliminating standing water sources in private areas such as courtyards, gardens, and balconies.

“The only effective solution to significantly reduce mosquito nuisance and minimize the risk of bites and illness requires a coordinated effort from all stakeholders,” emphasized the Health Ministry.

Annually, from early June to late November, the prevalence of West Nile virus-carrying mosquitoes typically rises. This year, an earlier appearance of mosquitoes is noted, likely influenced by weather patterns. The Health Ministry reports a higher incidence of West Nile virus infection compared to previous years.

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