Netanyahu to Depart for U.S. on ‘Wing of Zion’ Plane After Years of Delays

By Yoni Weiss

The official airplane of the prime minister, “Wing of Zion,”, is seen parked at Ben Gurion International Airport. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is set to embark on his first trip to the United States aboard the “Wing of Zion” plane, marking the end of years of delays, including political and budgetary disputes, and following an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Netanyahu is scheduled to address the U.S. Congress on July 24, and according to reports, he will also meet with President Joe Biden.

The “Wing of Zion” is a refurbished Boeing 767-338ER, purchased and upgraded specifically to serve the prime minister and president for official international travel.

While the plane received clearance to fly in December 2021, it has remained unused until now due to ongoing disagreements.

The decision to acquire a presidential plane was made in 2014 following recommendations from the Goldberg Committee, which highlighted significant shortcomings in the transportation arrangements for heads of state.

The “Wing of Zion” has been equipped with systems intended to cater to its users, including a dedicated section for accompanying journalists. Recently, the plane conducted another test flight to Cyprus.

As of now, interior photos of the plane have not been released. According to sources who have seen inside, the layout is markedly different from that of a standard passenger plane, featuring separate compartments and spacious seating arrangements expected to accommodate journalists accompanying official trips.

The Boeing 767-338ER has been widely used by various airlines, including El Al, and is renowned for its reliability and long-range capabilities, making it suitable for extensive international travel, including to the U.S.

Netanyahu emphasized, “Israel needs an aircraft that allows us to manage the country during times of conflict to ensure operational continuity, and the ‘Wing of Zion’ fulfills this need perfectly. This is a highly significant project, and we will continue to operate it in every aspect necessary for the security and benefit of the State of Israel.”

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