Netanyahu Approves Delegation for Hostage Deal Talks With Hamas

By Yoni Weiss

The release of Hamas-held Israeli hostages via the Red Cross, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, Nov. 28, 2023. (Flash90)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday afternoon approved the dispatch of an Israeli delegation to engage in negotiations aimed at reaching a hostage release-for-ceasefire deal with Hamas, according to an Israeli official. This move is part of ongoing efforts to secure the release of hostages still held by the terror group.

Netanyahu’s decision followed a meeting with his negotiators, during which he reiterated that the ongoing war will conclude only after all its objectives are achieved. “The war will end only after achieving all of its goals, and not one moment earlier,” he emphasized.

The location of the upcoming talks remains undisclosed, though previous rounds have been hosted in Doha and Cairo, with recent low-level meetings taking place in Doha.

On Wednesday night, Netanyahu’s office announced that Israel had received Hamas’s latest response to Israel’s proposal, and would be studying it on Thursday.

The Israeli delegation, comprising senior officials and experienced negotiators, is expected to address various aspects of the proposed deal, including the terms of release, security assurances, and potential reciprocal actions.

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