Knesset and House of Representatives Inaugurate Historic Parliamentary Friendship Group

By Aryeh Stern

Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana (C) with the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group, in the Knesset on Wednesday. (Knesset Spokesman)

On Wednesday, on the eve of America’s Independence Day, Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana (Likud) announced the inauguration of a Parliamentary Friendship Group between the Knesset and the U.S. House of Representatives.

The friendship group aims to advance shared interests of both countries through exchanges of knowledge and experts and collaborations in various fields. Until recently, the House of Representatives only had six friendship groups, with Israel notably absent. Upon taking office, Ohana made it a priority to establish this group, culminating in the completion of this objective.

The inauguration event was attended by Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN), chairman of the House-Knesset Parliamentary Friendship Group, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew, and MKs Boaz Bismuth (Likud) and Idan Roll (Yesh Atid). Ohana appointed MKs Bismuth and Roll as co-chairs of the Knesset-House Parliamentary Friendship Group, representing both the coalition and opposition.

“This is a historic moment in the relations between our countries and nations, taking our relationship a step forward and opening new avenues,” said Ohana. He highlighted Congress’s swift response to Israel’s security needs following the Oct. 7 massacre and the outbreak of the war, which led to bipartisan support and essential assistance.

“The bipartisan nature of the friendship group in the House of Representatives signals to the entire world that support for the U.S.-Israel relationship transcends parties and administrations,” Ohana added. He emphasized that the Knesset’s friendship group would include representatives from various factions, underscoring the broad consensus on the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Commenting on the security situation, Ohana stated, “Israel serves as a finger in the dike, the sword and shield of the Western world; we cannot afford to lose. Whatever happens to Israel will happen to the entire Western world.” He also addressed the tensions on the northern front with Hezbollah, stressing that Israel’s response to ongoing threats is justified.

Congressman Kustoff remarked on the unbreakable bond between the U.S. and Israel, forged by a shared belief in democracy and the fight against threats to Western values. “The friendship group will enhance collaboration and strengthen our special relationship for decades to come,” he said.

Ambassador Lew commended the formalization of ties between the Knesset and Congress, highlighting the deep military, intelligence, and diplomatic cooperation between the two nations. He expressed the American people’s strong support for Israel, as reflected by their representatives in Washington.

MK Roll emphasized the deep-rooted friendship and collective commitment to shared values between the two countries, while MK Bismuth highlighted the evolving geopolitical landscape, particularly the emerging Arab coalition with Israel against Iran. Both expressed optimism about the future and the potential expansion of the Abraham Accords.

Congressman Dean Phillips (D-MN) sent a filmed greeting, underscoring the importance of the bipartisan U.S.-Israel alliance and the need for collaboration in addressing geopolitical challenges. He reaffirmed the commitment of Americans, both Democrats and Republicans, to maintaining a strong and reciprocal relationship with Israel.

Earlier this week, Ohana, Congressman Kustoff, and MKs Roll and Bismuth toured Kibbutz Kfar Azza and the Re’im compound, reflecting on the recent challenges and ongoing solidarity between the U.S. and Israel.

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