IDF Launches Wave of Airstrikes Following Major Hezbollah Rocket Attacks

By Yoni Weiss

An Israeli anti-missile system intercept rockets and drones fired from Lebanon near the Israeli border with Lebanon, on Thursday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

The IDF announced Thursday afternoon that it is conducting a significant wave of airstrikes in southern Lebanon in response to a major rocket and drone attack by Hezbollah on northern Israel earlier in the day.

According to the IDF, several rocket launchers have already been targeted. While the exact number of rockets and drones launched by Hezbollah remains unspecified, the IDF confirmed that air defenses and fighter jets successfully intercepted multiple projectiles.

Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for launching 200 rockets and a swarm of drones.

The attacks have sparked fires in several locations, though the IDF has not yet provided details on potential casualties resulting from the strikes.

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