IDF Demolishes Homes of Terrorists Behind a-Zaim Checkpoint Attack

By Yoni Weiss

IDF troops demolish the homes of Palestinian terrorists Mohammad Zoahara and Khatem Zoahara in Za’atara, overnight Wednesday. (IDF Spokesman)

Overnight Wednesday, IDF forces in the Za’atra area of the Etzion Brigade demolished the homes of terrorists Mohammad Zoahara and Khatem Zoahara, two of the three terrorists responsible for the shooting attack near the a-Zaim checkpoint on Route 1. The attack resulted in the murder of Matan Almaliach, Hy”d, and wounded several other Israeli civilians.

Among the victims of the Feb. 22 attack was an expectant woman who was left in serious condition.

In addition to the demolitions in Za’atra, IDF and Border Police forces arrested three wanted individuals in Yehudah and Shomron overnight. They also confiscated equipment used to print incitement materials for a terrorist organization in the Tulkarem area.

No Israeli security forces were injured during the overnight operations, baruch Hashem.

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