West Nile Virus-Carrying Mosquitoes Detected in Multiple Locations Across Israel

By Aryeh Stern

An Aedes albopictus mosquito acquiring a blood meal from a human host. (James Gathany/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via AP, File)

The Environmental Protection Ministry announced Wednesday that mosquitoes carrying the West Nile fever virus have been found in several locations across Israel, including Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Kiryat Ono, Petach Tikva, the Lev Hasharon Regional Council, and the Even Yehuda Local Council in the Central District. Additionally, the virus-carrying mosquitoes have been detected in Eilat and the Eilot Regional Council in the south.

In response, the ministry has instructed all local authorities to intensify monitoring and extermination efforts to combat the spread of the virus.

The ministry also urged the public to use mosquito repellent to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

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