Trump Leads Biden in New, Post-Debate Polls

By Matis Glenn

In this combination of photos, President Joe Biden speaks on Aug. 10, 2023, in Salt Lake City, left, and former President Donald Trump speaks on July 8, 2023, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo)

Former President Donald Trump pulled further ahead of President Joe Biden in polls taken after last week’s debate that were released Wednesday.

In a New York Times/Siena College poll, Trump expanded his lead over Biden by three points among likely voters; 49% prefer him over Biden, who received 43% support. Trump’s advantage over registered voters is stronger; he received 49% support, to Biden’s 41%.

A poll taken by the Wall Street Journal found that 48% favored Trump; 42% of respondents chose Biden.

Biden, 81, trailed off several times during last week’s debate against his 78-year-old rival and made repeated verbal errors, including stating that he “beat Medicare”; he also appeared fatigued. His performance led to calls from some influential members of his Democratic party for him to step aside, as many are questioning his mental and physical fitness.

Biden has acknowledged his poor showing, and said that he was fatigued from an overseas trip taken a week and half before the debate, but insists that he will continue running for reelection.

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