Jewish Man Killed in Karmiel Mall Terror Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Police and rescue forces outside the scene of a stabbing attack in Karmiel, Wednesday. (David Cohen/Flash90)

One man was killed in a terror attack that occurred at a shopping center in the city of Karmiel on Wednesday afternoon.

Earlier, Magen David Adom (MDA) reported that two people had been wounded as a result of a stabbing attack.

Both were transferred to the the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya.

The attack occurred on the second floor of the Chutzot Karmiel mall.

Northern District Police Chief Shuki Tahauko said that one of the men wounded in the attack managed to shoot the terrorist and “neutralize” him.

The terrorist has been identified as an Arab-Israeli from Nahf. His sister was later arrested on suspicion of accomplice to the attack, as she works in the mall.

Karmiel has seen a growing influx of upper-middle class Arab professionals in recent years.

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