Soldier Arrested on Suspicion of Murdering Captured Hamas Terrorist

By Yoni Weiss

Hamas terrorists who were arrested during the Oct. 7 massacre and during the IDF operation in the Gaza Strip, seen at a courtyard in a prison in southern Israel, Feb. 14. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

A 20-year-old soldier from the Kfir Brigade was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of murdering a captured terrorist from the Hamas Nukhba Force. The soldier was detained at his home Tuesday and is scheduled for a detention hearing Wednesday, according to Channel 12 News.

The soldier defended himself, stating, “On Oct. 7, my friends and I went down south. We saw a fierce battle between Yamam soldiers and Nukhba terrorists. Unfortunately, some of our soldiers were killed. We continued to fight and eliminated the terrorists.”

An investigator countered, “You interrogated a terrorist in the field and then shot him in the head. That’s why you’re suspected of murder.”

The soldier maintained his innocence, asserting, “I did not murder any terrorist, but I eliminated the terrorists who were there and shot at us.”

Reports also indicate that the soldier has been questioned multiple times over the past few months on suspicion of other offenses, including stealing weapons from the IDF, though no indictments have been filed against him in those cases.

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