Report: Senior Hezbollah Commander Killed in Israeli Strike Near Tyre

By Yoni Weiss

A Lebanese army officer stands next to a destroyed car in the southern outskirts of Tyre, Lebanon, March 13. (AP Photo/Mohammad Zaatari)

A senior field commander in the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah was killed in an Israeli strike on Wednesday outside the southern Lebanese city of Tyre, according to two security sources cited by Reuters.

The target was Abu Ali Nasser, commander of the Aziz unit on Hezbollah’s southern front. He is considered one of the most senior Hezbollah commanders killed in the current war.

The sources indicated that Nasser was responsible for a section of Hezbollah’s operations along the border, where the group has been engaged in exchanges of fire with the IDF since October.

Nasser’s rank and importance to Hezbollah were likened to that of Taleb Abdallah, another senior commander killed by an Israeli strike in June. Abdallah’s death prompted Hezbollah to launch its largest barrages of drones and rockets in retaliation.

There was no immediate comment from Hezbollah or the IDF regarding the killing of Nasser.

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