Halevi: At Least 900 Terrorists Killed in Rafah Ground Operation

By Yoni Weiss

IDF troops and tanks seen in Rafah, on Tuesday. (IDF Spokesman)

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi reaffirmed on Tuesday the IDF’s ongoing strategy to weaken Hamas in Gaza through sustained operations.

Speaking to troops stationed at Kerem Shalom on the Gaza border, Halevi emphasized the army’s commitment to dismantling Hamas infrastructure, including underground facilities, which he noted requires meticulous and time-consuming efforts.

“Our objective is clear: to disrupt and degrade Hamas’s capabilities in Rafah and beyond. We have targeted key infrastructure and eliminated numerous Hamas operatives, including commanders and battalion leaders,” Halevi stated. “Our operations in Rafah have resulted in the neutralization of over 900 terrorists. This ongoing campaign is part of our strategy to wear down Hamas while maintaining our resolve and readiness.

“As we transition to the next phase, we will introduce new tactics and enhance logistical support to adapt to evolving challenges,” he continued. “This approach underscores our determination and resilience, transforming this into a protracted campaign aimed at achieving our strategic objectives. With persistence and determination, we are confident that our efforts will yield significant results.”

Halevi met with key officers in charge of the operations in southern Gaza, including the head of the Technology and Logistics Division Major General Michel Yanco, Logistics Division head Brigadier General Moti Mizrachi, Chief Technology and Maintenance Officer Brigadier General Ariel Shima, Chief Logistics Officer Lieutenant Colonel Chaim Malki, and others.

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