Two Soldiers Killed In Combat Overnight


By Yoni Weiss

Two Israeli soldiers were killed in combat in the central Gaza Strip on Monday night, according to an IDF announcement on Tuesday.

The fallen soldiers are identified as Master Sgt. (res.) Nadav Elchanan Knoller, Hy”d, 30, a platoon sergeant in the 8th Reserve Armored Brigade’s 121st Battalion from Yerushalayim, and Maj. (res.) Eyal Avnion, Hy”d, 25, a deputy company commander in the 8th Reserve Armored Brigade’s 121st Battalion from Hod Hasharon.

These deaths bring the total number of Israeli soldiers killed in the ground offensive against Hamas in Gaza and in border operations to 322.

In the same incident, another reservist from the 121st Battalion was seriously wounded. The IDF is currently investigating the details of the incident. Additionally, a soldier from the 401st Armored Brigade’s 52nd Battalion was seriously wounded by anti-tank fire in Rafah, southern Gaza.

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