Senior Iranian Commander Threatens Further Attack on Israel

IRCG Aerospace Force Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

A senior Iranian military commander has stated that the country is preparing for another direct attack on Israel, following a barrage of hundreds of missiles and drones fired in April, according to Iranian media reports on Tuesday.

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh made the remarks in Tehran while meeting with family members of people killed in the Gaza Strip during the ongoing war between Israel and the terror group Hamas. It was unclear from the report if the families he met were from Gaza.

“We are hopeful of the arrival of the opportunity for [conducting] Operation True Promise 2,” Hajizadeh said, according to the Mehr News Agency, referring to the title of the April attack.

Hajizadeh mentioned that he did not know how many missiles would be used in a second attack.

In other quotes reported by the Tasnim news agency, Hajizadeh stated, “As it is obvious from the weapons of our dear ones in Palestine, Lebanon and elsewhere, it has now become clear that they are in fact being helped and supplied by Iran.”

He also boasted about Iranian attacks on U.S. interests in the region, including the downing of surveillance drones and a 2020 barrage of rockets fired at U.S. bases in Iraq as revenge for the assassination of Major General Qasem Soleimani in a U.S. drone strike.

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