Reports Suggest Israeli Ground Operation Against Hezbollah in Late July

By Yoni Weiss

View of a fire that started from missiles launched from Lebanon near She’ar Yashuv, Monday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

The drums of war are echoing once again in the Levant as Israel reportedly prepares for a daring incursion into Lebanon. According to Germany’s Bild newspaper, Israeli forces are set to launch a ground operation against Hezbollah in the end of July, a move that could reshape the region’s fragile balance of power.

Unnamed diplomatic sources, speaking of an “extreme scenario,” suggest that Israel is steeling itself against Hezbollah’s threats of “war without limits.” One source stated, “Israel’s push into Lebanon looms closer than ever before. A date has been set.”

The specter of war has already begun to cast its shadow. Lufthansa, Germany’s airline, announced the suspension of its night flights to Beirut on Monday. This decision, following a warning from the German Embassy urging its citizens to leave Lebanon, signals growing geopolitical tensions.

U.S. intelligence agencies warn that without a last-minute deal between Israel and Hamas, the probability of all-out war is at its highest point in recent weeks.

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