National Unity Proposes Bill to Cancel Knesset Recess

The plenum at the Knesset. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

The National Unity party has introduced a bill aiming to cancel the Knesset’s planned recess, set to start at the end of the month and continue until Oct. 27.

In their statement, the party emphasized that taking a three-month break at this time is inappropriate. They highlighted that 120 hostages remain captive by Hamas, thousands are displaced from their homes, and numerous security personnel are being called to duty, necessitating their absence from homes, families, and workplaces. Such a recess, they argue, would undermine government oversight and public interest during wartime.

The Knesset is currently engaged in significant discussions on topics such as ultra-Orthodox military service, the extension of service terms for conscripts and reservists, and the rehabilitation of the country’s northern region. National Unity insists that just as Israeli soldiers are not taking vacations, neither should the elected officials.

This proposal follows a similar call made last week by Yisrael Beytenu MK Oded Forer, who urged Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana to cancel the recess. Forer reminded that his party previously advocated for the cancellation of the Knesset’s prior recess from April 7 to May 19, and expressed hope that lawmakers would now take the necessary steps to avoid repeating past mistakes.

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