Liora Argamani, A”h, Mother of Rescued Hostage Noa Argamani

People visit Hostage Square in Tel Aviv. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90

Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv announced on Tuesday morning that Liora Argamani, a”h, mother of Noa Argamani who was recently rescued from Hamas captivity, passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer.

“The late Liora spent her final days next to her daughter, Noa, who returned from captivity, and with her close family. We convey the family’s request to respect their privacy during these difficult times. We share in the Argamani family’s grief. May her memory be blessed,” the hospital stated.

In November, Liora Argamani released a heart-wrenching video pleading to see her daughter one last time due to her terminal illness.

“I am Liora Argamani, the mother of Noa, the beautiful girl who was abducted on October 7th by Hamas to Gaza. I am now sick with cancer – brain cancer. I do not know how much time I have left,” she said.

She added, “I want to see my Noa at home. I call on President Biden and the Red Cross: bring me my Noa as fast as possible so I’ll get to see her.”

Liora Argamani also wrote a letter to President Joe Biden pleading for his help to secure her daughter’s release.

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