Air Force Hits 30 Targets in Gaza Over Past Day

Palestinians following an evacuation order by the IDF to leave Khan Younis. (AP Photo/Saher Alghorra)

Over the past day, Israeli fighter jets, attack helicopters, and drones have struck more than 30 targets in Gaza, providing support for ground forces operating in the area.

The IDF said Tuesday that the strikes targeted weapon depots, Hamas buildings, tunnel shafts, and other critical infrastructure.

These airstrikes coincide with ongoing battles between troops and terror groups in southern Gaza’s Rafah, Gaza City’s Shejaiya, and the Netzarim Corridor in the center of the Strip.

In Rafah, the IDF reported that Nachal Brigade troops ambushed a group of terrorists in a vehicle approaching an operational area, opening fire and killing the occupants.

In Shejaiya, troops from the 7th Armored Brigade discovered a significant cache of weapons and military equipment used by terror groups, according to military sources.

Meanwhile, in the Netzarim Corridor, the IDF stated that troops from the 99th Division engaged in close-quarters combat, killing several gunmen and uncovering additional weapons and military equipment.

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