Security Forces Foil Major Weapons Smuggling Attempt From Jordan

By Yoni Weiss

Some of the weapons seized by security forces in an attempted smuggling on the Jordan border, overnight Sunday. (Police Spokesman)

Police and the IDF announced Monday that they thwarted an attempt to smuggle approximately 75 handguns and dozens of assault rifle parts from Jordan into Yehudah and Shomron overnight Sunday.

Soldiers monitoring surveillance cameras spotted three suspects crossing the Jordan border, prompting troops to the scene where they found three bags containing the firearms and weapon parts.

This seizure marks the largest weapons bust during the ongoing war, according to military officials. Security forces are still searching for the smugglers.

Weapons smuggling remains a persistent challenge for Israel along its extensive, porous eastern border with Jordan and in Yehudah and Shomron.

Israeli officials report that Iran has recently intensified efforts to smuggle weapons to terror groups in Yehudah and Shomron. Additionally, many guns smuggled into Israel are being used in underworld crime.

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