Plane With Shochtim, Rabbanim, en Route to Uruguay Makes Emergency Landing in Brazil

By Hamodia Staff

A man displays his shochet knife at his home in Yerushalayim. (Kobi Gideon/Flash90)

A plane heading to Uruguay in South America made an emergency landing in Brazil on Monday after sustaining damage during the flight.

According to reports, the plane began to dive and lose control, nearly plunging into the sea.

Harav Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt, the chief rabbi of Bnei Brak, was on board with his son, en route to supervise shechitah in Uruguay. Rav Rosenblatt departed from Israel to Madrid, Spain, and from there took a connecting flight to South America.

Baruch Hashem, the plane made an emergency landing in Brazil. According to reports, Rav Rosenblatt miraculously sustained only minor injuries, having hit his head and suffering from bruises.

Rav Rosenblatt has contacted his family in Israel, reporting that he is well and is expected to continue his journey to supervise the shechitah in Uruguay under Rav Landau’s certification.

Additionally, Harav Avraham Nachman Gutterman, another prominent Rav associated with the Kehillot kashrus, was also on the plane and sustained minor injuries.

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