Ministers Outraged Over Release of Gaza’s Shifa Hospital Director

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli soldiers stand outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Nov. 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano, File)

A wave of anger swept through the government on Monday as ministers learned of the release of Muhammad Abu Salmiya, the director of Gaza’s Shifa Hospital, along with 50 other detainees. The decision, apparently made without Cabinet approval, has sparked a heated debate within the government about security protocols and prisoner management during the ongoing conflict.

Minister Amichai Chikli demanded answers in the government’s phone message group: “Can we get an explanation from Yoav Gallant on why this man is being released? Hostages were murdered in his hospital, and it served as a Hamas command center.”

Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir did not mince words: “It’s time for the Shin Bet chief to go. He’s acting unilaterally, with Gallant’s full backing, bypassing the Cabinet and government. He’s implementing his own policies and has become an advocate for the detainees in discussions. Sure, they’re overcrowded, but is that his concern?”

Minister Orit Strock questioned the legal basis: “I ask in all seriousness: Under what authority was this done?”

Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi called for a complete overhaul: “Israel needs new security leadership from the ground up. We need leaders committed to victory and honoring our soldiers’ heroism, just like the Prime Minister. The sooner, the better.”

The Defense Ministry stated that Gallant was not informed of the decision to release the Shifa director, saying it fell under IDF jurisdiction. Sources close to Gallant acknowledged the anger over the move.

Health Minister Moshe Arbel later joined the conversation: “Ben-Gvir, I know this isn’t the right forum, and everything is leaking, but didn’t we approve a budget cut in April to allocate nearly half a billion shekels for new detention facilities that weren’t built? Where’s your accountability on this?”

Ben-Gvir retorted: “We’ve added 500 spaces immediately and are building new wings. Yes, it’s crowded now, but we don’t release detainees just because of overcrowding or tents. Let’s stop being overly sympathetic.”

Karhi added: “With all due respect, releasing detainees due to ‘lack of space’ is nothing more than a flimsy excuse.”

Benny Gantz, leader of the State Party, also weighed in: “A government that releases those who sheltered the Oct. 7 murderers and helped conceal our hostages has made an operational, moral, and morale-damaging mistake. They’re unfit to manage our existential war and should step down. Whoever made this decision lacks judgment and should be fired today. Mr. Prime Minister, if you close a few government ministries, I’m sure you’ll find space and budget for detention facilities. You can’t continue to manage a war this way – it’s time to set an agreed-upon election date.”

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