Smotrich Criticizes Police, Ben-Gvir for Failing to Neutralize Internal Threat

By Yoni Weiss

Finance Minister and leader of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich speaks at a conference of Makor Rishon and Machon Lev, in Yerushalayim, Sunday. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich sharply criticized the Israel Police and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, accusing them of failing to prevent Arab Israelis from potentially participating in an Iranian plan to “conquer” Israel. Speaking at the Security and Technology conference organized by Makor Rishon and Machon Lev on Sunday, Smotrich expressed concerns over what he sees as a multi-faceted Iranian threat that includes an “internal front” from Israel’s Arab population.

Smotrich highlighted the risk posed by “hundreds of thousands of illegal weapons and arms” that could, according to Iranian ambitions, support a takeover plan. “The police and those responsible for it are completely failing,” Smotrich stated. “This is not solved by giving guns to first-response teams; the weapons need to be collected, and the phenomenon needs to be eliminated. It is in us and is more dangerous than what is outside of the border. A concentrated effort is necessary here, not in talk and announcements, but in actions.”

Smotrich’s comments were directed at Ben-Gvir, his former political partner. Recent polls show Ben-Gvir’s support increasing, while Smotrich’s support has declined. In response, Ben-Gvir called for unity, criticizing personal attacks and defending his policy of widespread arms distribution to deter terrorists.

Despite warnings from Ben-Gvir following the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre, there has been no evidence of Arab Israeli civilians joining the fight against Israel, and Smotrich did not provide backing for his claims of an imminent internal threat.

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