Rocket Launcher Discovered Near a ​​School and a Clinic, Weapons Found in Hideout Apartments in Shejaya

By Yoni Weiss

IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip, Friday. (IDF Spokesman)

At the end of this past week, troops of the IDF’s 98th Division began divisional activity during the day against terrorists and terrorist infrastructure in the Shejaya area.

The IDF said that troops are fighting terrorists in close-quarters combat and by directing aerial fire.

So far, dozens of terrorists have been eliminated in combat.

The troops of the 7th Brigade Combat Team led the division and encircled the civilian area that had been converted by Hamas terrorists into a terrorist compound. In the area, the troops located observation posts, weapons, enemy drones and a long-range rocket launcher near the schools.

The Paratroopers Brigade Combat Team began operational activity to clear and dismantle terrorist infrastructure and military buildings in the area. During their operation, the troops located weapons and underground tunnel shafts.

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