Kossover Rebbe, Harav Shraga Feivish Hager, Zy”a

By Hamodia Staff

The olam hachassidus in Boro Park and worldwide was thrown into mourning with the petirah of the Kossover Rebbe, Harav Shraga Feivish Hager, Zy”a, who was niftar on Friday night at the age of sixty-six.

The Rebbe had been ill for a while, and many stormed the Heavens with Tehillim and tefillos pleading for a refuah shleimah, but alas he returned his holy neshamah to Shamayim of Friday night while surrounded by family members.

The Rebbe was born on 26 Teves, 5718 to his parents, Harav Avraham Yehoshua Hager, zy”a, the Kossov-Zalischiker Rebbe, who in turn was a son of Harav Shraga Feivish Hager, Zalishchiker Rebbe, zy”a, a son of Harav Boruch Hager, zy”a, of Vizhnitz. The Zalishchiker Rebbe was a son-in-law of Harav Moshe Hager, zy”a, the Kosover Rebbe and author of Leket Oni.

The Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Malka, a”h, was the daughter of Harav Yechezkel Shraga Hakohen Sander.

In his youth, the Rebbe learned in Yeshiva Be’er Shmuel in Boro Park, which was under the auspices of the Unsdorfer Rav, zt”l. Later, the Rebbe learned in Yeshivas Ponevezh and Beth Medrash Govoha, where he was known for his tremendous Hasmadah.

After marrying tbl”c Rebbetzin Sarah Rechil, the daughter of Harav Chaim Meir Wosner, zt”l, and a granddaughter of Harav Shmuel Wosner, zt”l, he learned in the Kollel of the Tartikov Beis Din, and was a talmid of Harav Moshe Stern, zt”l, the Debritziner Rav, and his rebbi muvhak Harav Fishel Hershkowitz, zt”l.

The Rebbe also served as the Dayan in Boro Park of the Viznitzer kehillah of Harav Mordechai Hager, zy”a, of Monsey, the posek for Chessed Shel Emes, and was a magid shiur in Yeshivas Arugas Habosem of Tzelem in Williamsburg.

With the petirah of his father in on 26 Nissan, 5759, the Rebbe assumed the mantle as Kossover Rebbe, with his brother Harav Chaim, shlita, assuming the mantle of Zalishchiker Rebbe.

The Kossover Rebbe was known for his fiery drashos, and made himself available for anyone who approached him for chizuk or advice. His council in chinuch issues was widely sought, and he was a member of the vaad hachinuch of several mosdos in Boro Park and Lakewood. Many consulted with him on inyanim of shalom bayis, children who were struggling with Yiddishkeit, and personal and communal problems.

During the summer months, he often spent time in Eretz Yisrael, where he spent time immersed in tefillah in mekomos hakedoshim.

During the Corona pandemic, he arranged an atzeres tefillah, and guided the tzibbur how to act in those uncharted times.

Over the years, he delivered shiurim on a vast variety of topics, both in halachah, nigla and nistar and several seforim of his were published: Shabbos Malka Kadisha on inyanei Shabbos; Ma’ayana d’Malka on inyanei chassidus, and Avda d’Malka on inyanei tefillah.

The Rebbe took ill about a year and a half ago, and tefillos were offered by Yidden all circles. In the last few weeks, his condition deteriorated, and on Friday night, after the family recited pesukei yichud, he returned his holy neshamah.

The levayah was held Sunday morning in his beis medrash, and thousands of Yidden crowded the streets to give kavod acharon to this towering figure who was respected by all. The Rebbe’s brother, Harav Chaim, choked up as he delivered a tearful hesped. He begged the niftar not to forget those who remain, and told the niftar that he will not be forgotten. The Rosh Hakahal also delivered brief words, and it was announced that the Rebbe’s three sons would continue leading the Kossover chassidus in the respective batei medrash in Boro Park, Williamsburg and Lakewood.

The levayah then preceded to Monsey where thousands gathered to escort the aron for kevurah in the Visnitzer bais hachaim.

Yehi zichro baruch.

kossover rebbe
The Kossover Rebbe, zy”a, distributing fruit in his beis medrash on Tu Bishvat. Sitting next to the Rebbe is his son, ybl”c Harav Moshe, who serves as Rav of the Kossover Beis Medrash in Williamsburg.

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