Air Force Drone Strikes Building in Nur Shams Refugee Camp, Several Wounded

By Yoni Weiss

IDF troops in Shejaya, Gaza, on Sunday. (IDF Spokesman)

On Sunday, an Israeli Air Force unmanned aircraft targeted a building in the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem. Reports from Arab sources indicate several individuals were wounded as a result of the strike, which the IDF stated was aimed at four terrorists inside the building.

The strike was conducted based on intelligence and surveillance that identified senior terrorists from the Nur Shams terror cells inside the building. The defense establishment is investigating whether two of the individuals eliminated in the strike were involved in the murder of Amnon Muchtar, Hy”d, earlier this month in Qalqilyia.

Arab reports claim the targeted building was the home of the uncle of Abu Shaja’a, the commander of the Islamic Jihad’s Tulkarm Battalion. Despite earlier reports of Abu Shaja’a’s elimination two months ago, it was later confirmed that he survived. Earlier this month, security forces arrested U’mar Nassrallah in Nur Shams on suspicion of involvement in shootings at the Jewish village of Bat Chefer. During interrogation, Nassrallah admitted his membership in the terror cell responsible for attacks on nearby communities and revealed additional cell members.

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