Iran Threatens Israel With ‘Obliterating War’ Over Potential Lebanon Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli firefighters try to extinguish a fire from a drone launched from Lebanon, near the Israeli border with Lebanon, Wednesday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

On the weekend, Iran threatened Israel with an “obliterating war” if it launched an extensive attack in Lebanon.

“While Iran considers the Zionist regime’s propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon as psychological warfare, should it embark on full-scale military aggression, an obliterating war will ensue. All options, including the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the U.N. posted on social media.

On Friday, Hezbollah continued its attacks on northern Israel, launching dozens of rockets and three drones, triggering alarms in the coastal city of Nahariya and other towns.

Mateh Asher Regional Council Chairman Moshe Davidovich criticized the government: “While the government is making efforts to reach a deal in the north, Nasrallah again proves that he’s in charge. Families sitting around the Shabbat table were forced to spend Shabbat in shelters and safe rooms.”

The IDF updated on Friday night that approximately 25 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon toward the western Galilee and Galilee panhandle areas. No injuries were reported, baruch Hashem, but damage was caused to a building in the western Galilee area.

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