Tefillos Requested for Harav Yehudah Deri, Rav of Be’er Sheva

By Hamodia Staff

Harav Yehuda Deri. (Yaakov Naumi/Flash90)

Harav Yehuda Deri, shlita, Chief Rabbi of Be’er Sheva, was hospitalized this week in the Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Yerushalayim, and was listed in serious condition on Friday.

In recent weeks, Rav Deri suffered severe pain, and upon arrival at the hospital, it was ascertained that the pains were due to complications from an infection in his leg.

Due to the serious condition of the Rav, the name Refael was added.

The family has asked that all daven for the complete refuah of Harav Refael Yehuda ben Esther, b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.

Harav Deri was expected to serve as temporary president of the Chief Rabbinate Council until elections for the Chief Rabbinate are held in the coming months.

He reportedly intended to run for position of Sephardic Chief Rabbi.

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