Netanyahu Reactivates Groups Focused on Iranian Nuclear Threat Amid Rising Tensions

By Yoni Weiss

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reactivated multiple working groups focused on the Iranian nuclear threat two weeks ago, Axios reported.

According to three Israeli officials, this decision was made based on new intelligence indicating that Iran is attempting to shorten the time needed to develop a nuclear weapon. These working groups bring together Foreign Ministry, intelligence, and defense officials under the National Security Council.

Israel is particularly concerned that Iran may use the transition period following the US Presidential elections in November to advance its nuclear program, the officials said.

On Tuesday, Axios reported that Israel and the US have agreed to reschedule a joint meeting on Iran in July. This meeting was initially canceled by the White House last week after Netanyahu’s video expressed astonishment over the Biden administration withholding weapons from Israel.

The US-Israel Strategic Consultative Group (SCG), established in 2009 during the Obama administration, is a crucial forum for US-Israeli discussions about Iran’s nuclear program. The working group is led by the national security advisers from both countries and includes representatives from national security, foreign policy, and intelligence agencies.

The forum has not convened since March 2023. Since then, the Iranian nuclear program has significantly escalated, according to US and Israeli officials.

National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer were in Washington last week for a forum gathering, but the White House canceled it shortly before it was scheduled, following Netanyahu’s video. Instead, Hanegbi and Dermer met with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

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