Report: Diaspora Minister Cultivates Ties With Far-Right European Parties Post-Oct. 7 Attacks

By Aryeh Stern

Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli speaks at the AJC Global Forum in Tel Aviv, in 2023. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90)

In a significant shift from Israel’s traditional foreign policy, Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli has been quietly building relationships with far-right parties across Europe, many of which have shown unprecedented support for Israel following the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.

According to a report in Yisrael Hayom, just a year ago, senior members of Sweden’s far-right Sweden Democrats party visited Israel but were largely ignored by the Knesset and the Foreign Ministry. Now, as right-wing parties gain strength across Europe and express strong support for Israel, these parties are finding new allies in unexpected places.

While the Foreign Ministry maintains its policy of avoiding parties with neo-Nazi roots, Chikli has taken a different approach. He recently met with representatives of the Sweden Democrats in the Knesset, signaling a shift in engagement.

Since Oct. 7, Chikli has been weaving a network of connections with European right-wing parties. He has visited France, Hungary, and Spain, addressing an official conference of the national right-wing Vox party in Madrid. He also traveled to the United States, meeting with several senators to bolster support for Israel. Future plans include visits to Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico.

Despite this shift, the Foreign Ministry’s official stance remains unchanged, viewing these parties as extreme and avoiding formal ties. However, Chikli has emerged as a de facto foreign minister, cultivating relationships with those who have become prominent supporters of Israel in its war against terrorism.

Chikli explains these new alliances to his social media followers, citing shared values in the fight against radical Islam and opposition to a nuclear Iran. “Oct. 7 became a trigger,” sources in Chikli’s office say, “and since then, the minister has devoted considerable time to pro-Israel foreign policy.”

The Diaspora Affairs Ministry has absorbed the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, previously headed by Gilad Erdan. This includes the fight against Israel’s delegitimization, which has evolved into a struggle to strengthen Israel’s legitimacy to defeat Hamas and more.

Chikli finds a receptive audience among parties like Vox in Spain, Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France, Viktor Orbán’s government in Hungary, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, the Conservatives in Britain, and others.

Given the stance of governments in Ireland, Norway, the Netherlands, Spain, and others, it’s understandable why Israel seeks to strengthen ties with those showing growing support across Europe. However, this is not an official policy shift, as the Foreign Ministry’s stance remains largely unchanged.

Chikli has been vocal about his support for these alliances, even intervening in foreign politics. He praised recent European Parliament election results, calling them a turning point for Western civilization and a rejection of “wokeness.” He also criticized the Belgian Prime Minister for supporting terror and praised British politician Nigel Farage for his stance against radical Islam.

Chikli’s actions suggest a significant, albeit unofficial, shift in Israel’s foreign policy, building ties with right-wing parties and former President Donald Trump’s inner circle. He has asked for help from Trump’s associates in saving a Jew sentenced to death in the region, highlighting his proactive and unorthodox approach to diplomacy.

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