IDF Releases Photos of Killed Gaza Worker, Showing He Was a Terrorist

By Yoni Weiss

The IDF released photos of Fadi al-Wadiya, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket specialist, wearing the terror group’s uniform after Doctors Without Borders confirmed he was a staff member but denied he was a terrorist. Wadiya was killed in an airstrike in northern Gaza on Tuesday while bicycling to work.

“A physical therapist by day and a jihadist saboteur by night,” posted the IDF’s Arabic spokesperson, Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, on social media on Wednesday night.

Adraee stated that Wadiya had worked for Islamic Jihad for 15 years, helping manufacture rockets, and described him as the terror group’s “expert in the fields of electronics and chemistry.”

Adraee also revealed that the same year Wadiya joined Doctors Without Borders (MSF), “he tried to leave the Gaza Strip for Iran, accompanied by two other terrorists, in order to engage in terrorism training there.”

“No matter how much Doctors Without Borders tries to consider Al-Wadiya an innocent healer who saved lives, he is a dangerous saboteur who once again reminds us of the way terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip exploit international relief organizations by using them as a ‘human shield,’” Adraee added.

The Geneva-based medical aid organization denied Wadiya was a terrorist and condemned the airstrike.

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