Gazans Flee Shejaia Amid Intense IDF Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians inspect the rubble of destroyed houses in the Shejaia neighborhood of Gaza, in 2014. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Residents of Shejaia are reportedly fleeing due to a surprise attack by the IDF on Thursday.

Palestinian sources describe sustained and intensive artillery shelling in the neighborhood, along with helicopter fire from the east of Gaza City.

Additional reports indicate that IDF vehicles are advancing from multiple directions, including Baghdad Street, Al-Shaf Street, and the Jabal Al-Rais area.

IDF Arabic spokesman Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee urged Shejaia residents to evacuate immediately for their safety, advising them to move southward towards Salah ad-Din Street to the humanitarian zone.

Sources in Shejaia told the Palestinian press that the IDF’s advancement was sudden, with the army surrounding a residential building amid intense shooting and bombings from aircraft and artillery.

The Sdot Negev Regional Council informed residents that IDF forces were operating in northern Gaza, which would result in explosions and loud noises in the area, according to Channel 12.

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